Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2020

Socially and Polically correct investing

For last couple of years, so called "socially and politically correct" mostly governmental funds have been dumping "incorrect" stocks from their portfolios. First, they started with gun manufacturers, then time came to sell fossil fuel companies and booze enterprises .
May be there wouldn't be anything special about it, after all, we can invest as we are pleased, but if all Canadian government funds dump local stocks like Molson Coors and Canadian oil companies which offer employment to Canadians and pay local taxes, not to mention dividends to investors, because they are "socially incorrect" and buy retailer in China, then may be Canadians  should ask Chinese to pay their retirement benefits in the future ? .....just a thought

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Taxi app wars in China fought over information...NO KIDDING

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At least Chinese are honest and transparent about why they are spending $100's millions of dollars on developing and popularizing taxi apps, which has yet to build up a clear profitability model.
.......We don't get that from Uber, Hailo, Lyft or any other local taxi app hailing / booking company in US, but constant stream of legal controversies and misinformation, wonder why?

"Alibaba, Tencent spending big on taxi apps despite lack of profit model

Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings, China's internet giants, are in a neck-and-neck fight in the taxi app market. On Jan. 20, Tencent's Didi, its taxi hailing service, announced a plan to invest a further 200 million yuan (US$33 million) to benefit passengers. The very next day, Alibaba's Kuaide swiftly announced it was investing 500 million yuan (US$82.5 million) for the good of passengers, Shanghai's China Business News reports.

Some commentators are asking why the two giants are willing to throw so much money into the taxi app market which has yet to build up a clear profitability model.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Credit Card Surcharge on Taxi Fares in Florida


It became legal for cab drivers in Florida and other 40 States to charge customers up to %4 extra of the meter if they decide to pay with credit card.
Great news for cab drivers and not so good for riders, but then again, some passengers pretend that they don't know how to use credit card applications and conveniently skip tipping procedures without asking a cab driver how to do it.
Sure guys, Tipping is a city in China, your grandpa was Kunta and I owe you until I die, even though we look alike and your skin is whiter.
.....Just because I came off the boat 25 years ago and I have an accent??!!
I tip anybody and everybody who provides me with any kind of services in this country.
If I can not afford to tip, I either don't use their services or at least try to behave like human being and be thankful for helping me.
Next time you get your drunk ass in the cab to take you home, be thankful too and tip the driver, even if you pay with credit card, or even more so........

ABC News