Showing posts with label Toyota Prius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toyota Prius. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Text a Taxi St Petersburg FL at Discount Taxi

Please Include your address or name of the place where you need to be picked up and time of pick up. 
To Text 4 Taxi you can also use phone number 727-490-9164

St Petersburg Discount Taxi Company Hits Hi Tech Home Run

– A breakthrough development in the taxi cab business is taking the St. Petersburg Florida area by storm! An innovative, forward thinking entrepreneur down there has come up with a unique combination of traditional taxi service and high tech dispatching; it is called Text4Taxi and its advantages are many:

·       With this new service, there are none of the pitfalls of traditional over-the-phone dispatching.

·       There are never any annoying, time wasting busy signals.

·        There is never any need to worry about miscommunication or misunderstood directions due to spotty cell phone reception and garbled voice messages.

·        No crabby, impolite dispatchers answering the phone sounding grouchy and tired and talking to you as if they were angry with you, or sounding like they are doing you a favor by sending you a cab.

·       When special, detailed instructions for pickup, or complicated, hard to follow directions are part of the scenario, Text4Taxi really shines. There is no comparing the exact, precise details that can be obtained via text communication and the haphazard, hit-or-miss nature of verbal order taking.

·       Text4Taxi also provides the perfect method for positive verification and communication directly between the driver and the customer…"I am on my way, I should be there within 5 minutes" or "I am in front of the club in white Toyota Prius". Neither traditional phone dispatching, nor even the newly arrived taxi dispatching applications developed for smart phone users can achieve this level of accuracy and post contact verifiability.

·       Another tremendous advantage of texting vs. verbal contact is the ability can request a cab in noisy locations like concerts, sporting events or busy nightclubs without fear of your message being unintelligible or misunderstood. Additionally, Text4Taxi is also great when you need to be low key and unobtrusive such as when attending church, the symphony, at weddings and funerals. No need to whisper furtively into the phone while hoping no one hears you or notices you, and no more interrupting the proceedings and rudely exiting the room to call a cab. Text4Taxi eliminates the need for all of that.

·       Since texting provides a built in written record of all the details of the communication between driver and customer, there is never a problem for either party relying on faulty human memory to store vital information about who, when and where the taxi is going to show up.

Text4Taxi is also superior in many respects to its high tech counterpart taxi dispatching apps in that it provides a level of detail and ability for future ride booking that many apps are incapable of providing. Text4Taxi also allows the customer to pose detailed inquiries such as “how much would cost to get from downtown St Pete to south Tampa?”

Yes, there can be no argument that this clever taxi company’s ownership has hit a home run with their Text 4 Taxi concept. It is a winning combination of technology and outstanding customer service. Cab companies around the world are sure to follow suit and adopt this innovative new dispatching process.

Monday, June 17, 2013

What is the best car to use for a taxi?

What is the best car to use for a taxi?

By Eric Edwards

When answering the question “What is the best car to use for a taxi?”, one must first consider the intended market that the taxi will be driven in. A car that would be advantageous for short trips with light loads may not be appropriate for a market that includes mainly long trips with large loads. Each market presents a different scenario, and each will be best suited by a different type of car. These scenarios differ in many aspects, including road conditions, terrain, fuel availability and prices, as well as the load size and trip length requirements previously mentioned. In this article I will describe 5 different scenarios, or markets:


USA – 

In the USA, taxis are most often used for short trips and carry small loads, and are used primarily in
the larger cities and to carry passengers to/from airports. Passenger comfort and mechanical longevity are the most important areas to consider in this market. The relatively low fuel prices in most parts of the US make a larger taxi, like the Ford Crown Victoria, a viable option. Many taxi’s in the USA have a partition between the front and rear seat, so the prospective buyer must factor this space requirement into their purchasing decision.

UK – 

The high cost of fuel and relatively light distance and load requirements make fuel performance  and physical size the primary factors in choosing a car for use in a market like the UK. Another important factor is the size and maneuverability of the car;the taxi needs to be able to navigate the crowded narrow streets one encounters in the big cities of the UK.
India – In India the initial cost of the car and the cost of operation are the most

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Toyota Prius as a Taxi Cab

What is general opinion of cab drivers on using Toyota Prius as a taxi ?  

How long they last? 
Do they develop mechanical / electronic problems and at what points or after what mileage ?
How much does it cost to repair Toyota Prius ?
After how many miles / kilometers battery needs to be replaced and how much does it cost ?
How long lasts Toyota Prius  electric transmission ?

What can go wrong Toyota Prius electric transmission?

How many miles to a gallon or liters per 100 Kilometers does Toyota Prius taxi gets in real world usage?

Dave Matthews drives Toyota Prius, He Likes New York, dislike 50 sex stores at Frankfurt airport, he thinks about being a "sword" on ..... watch interview 

Dustin Hoffman drives Toyota Prius

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ready to go to Tampa Airport?

Who said that Toyota Prius is too small to be used as a taxi?
Three Large suitcases packed orderly in "small" trunk of Toyota Prius are ready to be taken with 3 passengers to Tampa International airport.