Thursday, March 28, 2013

Being Cab driver in Dublin

Perils of being taxi driver in Ireland are not much different than perils of being cab driver in Tampa Bay.... are they? Local St. Petersburg Insiders would say:-, depend who you are and what taxi company you taking calls from.or who you are paying your lease to? ......

1 comment:

  1. by far, the best companies you want to work for or with in Saint Petersburg, are those little upstarts like Downtown Yellow Taxi, Suburban, NYC cab, etc.
    From big dogs?- Bats Taxi is most driver and customer friendly, have nicest cabs, etc,-
    From fellow cab drivers at Bats roaming around the City of Saint Petersburg, I heard that they average about $500 for 4 days a week to take home and they work only 10-11 hours a day.
    So, why Independent taxi has %35 of its fleet off the air most of the time, other %35 struggling to survive and other %30 doing OK?
    Where is the problem? and how it could be fixed?
